You don't have any of your own clients yet, and of course you haven't been able to offer any CPF or OPCO training before. Can you still do Qualiopi?
The answer is yes!
The audit is looking at your processes, which you can put in place even without any clients. You will be showing the auditor what you plan to do with your future clients.
There are certain procedures in place for the audit for nouveaux entrants (any specific information is on the Qualiopi Master Spreadsheet). Your audit de surveillanceI, 1.5 years after the initial audit, will be longer as the auditor will be checking the indicators that you couldn't have proof for in the first audit.
If you don't have clients now, setting everything up will be a little harder as you don't have the visibility that someone who has already been in business for a few years has, but on the other hand, you'll be starting your business with beautiful systems and a clean slate. I sometimes felt like I was trying to untangle a big ball of string when I was redoing and rethinking all of my processes. (I should say "processes" as my back office was a real mess before!) Doing Qualiopi at this stage means that you will have everything in place for your business to grow and to scale. It will be much easier for you to take on an admin assistant or other teachers in the future.
I suggest sitting down and thinking about how you would like your business to run. Here are some questions you can ask yourself:
All of these questions will help you define your customer journey, going from new prospect to alumni, which you can then break down into a series of processes. And that's more or less your Qualiopi!
(Ok, it's not quite that easy, but going through this process will not only help you with your Qualiopi but also with your business.)
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