The 7 criteria:
Qualiopi has 32 indicators (not all of which are applicable to organismes de formation) which fall into 7 criteria.
The criteria you are going to be judged on are as follows:
1. Inform the public of your offers
This is about how you broadcast the information about your offers to the public, with detailed and verifiable data. You need to include the content and how the training is going to happen, what are the time lines for accessing training and what are the results of your training programmes.
Indicators 1-3
2. Offer trainings that are adapted to your participants
This criteria looks at how you adapt your training for different audiences: how you adapt your objectives and create different programmes depending on the client. You have to show that you analyse client needs, that you do some kind of pre-course competency check and you evaluate the objectives at the beginning, during and at the end of the programme.
Indicators 4-8
3. Accompany participants at each step.
For this, you need to show the outline of your trainings as well as the documents and supports you make available to participants. You need to show that you inform people about how the training is going to happen, build a trusting relationship and anticipate any difficulties that could hinder learning.
Indicators 9-16
4. - Ensure a good learning environment
For this criteria you need to show that you provide an optimal learning environment, If you have premises you will need to show that they can welcome all learners, you need to talk about your teaching team, any equipment, tech tools or other supports (eg books) you have available and what materials you use.
Indicators 17-20
5. Train the teaching team
This criteria looks at all the trainers within a teaching team. You need to show how you keep up professional development for yourself and anyone else working with you.
Indicators 21-22
6. Invest in your socio-economic environment
This criteria looks at how you remain competitive in your sector. You have to show how you keep up to date with developments in pedagogy, in language learning and in terms of new regulations.
Indicators 23-29
7. Improve by listening to feedback
This criteria is about continuous improvement. You need to show how you analyse and act on feedback from learners, companies, financers and partners.
Indicators 30-32
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