Introduction to the training

Hi everybody, so I thought it was really important to make this course because as independent teachers or as small business owners, we are up against huge organismes de formation with enormous budgets. It's not always easy to compete in this market, especially trying to show companies and individuals what your strengths are compared to those big schools

And of course, the French market is a special market because on one hand we have the whole training system where people don't have to pay for their training themselves, even companies don't have to pay for a lot of their training themselves. And on the other hand, we have training where people do need to pay themselves. For example, if it's for their children or if they don't have a CPF training fund and selling within that market is not easy.

So how do you find your place in this particular market and sell your training offers? Whether you go in to the training system or whether you work in a niche outside of that.

In this course we're going to look at a little bit of everything. Having a niche, working towards an ideal client, we're going to look at whether the French training system is for you or not and what kind of business models should you be looking at if you are not going into that training system. We will of course talk about corporate clients because for a lot of people these are the holy grail and if you get a corporate client it can lead to a long lasting and profitable relationship. We will also look at making sales. How do you turn those prospects into concrete contracts?

So I hope you will join me in this course and boost your business, whether you're on your own or whether you have a team, and grow to the next level.

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Introduction to the training

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Buy Market and sell your training offers in France

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 Market your teaching business: live with coaching calls
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